Hi all! Would you believe it if I told you that I haven't read in an entire week?! I know! It's crazy. Life just keeps on getting in the way.
I only have a couple books for you this week, bare with me!
Stacking the Shelves is a
weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews , where you show off your new
books of the week!
week I have...

Thank you Jenni of Alluring Reads for giving me these books! I've been wanting to read who I kissed, so it's awesome that Jenni gave me the ARC copy of that :) Apparently the author is Calgarian, which is even cooler! Gotta support fellow Albertans ;)
I've been hearing mixed reviews about Don't Turn Around, excited to see what it's all about!
And just in time for Halloween...
So this is the new book kids are raving about! I can't wait to get in some giggles while reading it! It looks so cute... in a scary way. Special Thanks to the author for sending it to me!
That's all I have for this week!
What's on your shelf? Comment & Let me know! :)