Hello my beloved book freaks! I'm Rola, A 17 year old Edmontonian, who works at a bookstore and reads like it's her day job. I'm Lebanese Druze, born & raised in Canada. My favorite hobby of all time is reading-- as you could have guessed. I find that it's the only thing that can help me escape my everyday life, and for that I'm thankful! I enjoy reading most books- although my favorite are YA & Adult. I favor the Historical Fiction, Paranormal, Dystopian, Fantasy/Urban-Fantasy, Romance & Contemporary Genres. I'm also a huge fan of Poetry (especially those by Charles Bukowski & T.S. Eliot)
I've read tons of books, but I only got into the extreme read-3-books-a-week thing when I was 15 I believe. I got into reading after the Nightworld Series by L.J. Smith, although I read books before them, they were the ones that got me hooked. After reading Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl, only then did I get into book blogging.I loved those books so much that I had to go onto goodreads right away and review it-- My first ever review, and then TADA. Here I am today, reviewing every damn book I read.
I have a habit of falling in love with my books (literally). I can't ever make use of my library card because I have the utter need to possess every book I read. It's a very unhealthy habit (especially for my paychecks) but hey, what can you do? I hope to one day grow my in-home library to something extraordinary.
When I'm away from books, I'm a leadership junkie. I love planning fun events, charity drives and seeing the smile on peoples' faces when they attend one of my events. It's one of the greatest feelings!
I'm also a lover of classics, and a hoarder of some sorts. I believe that older things have a much better story to tell than newer ones, so I tend to enjoy collecting goodies of the past. I'm a seeker of knowledge and wisdom, but don't even bring that Science or Math knowledge up because I will shove it right back in your face! Strictly History & Humanities, people :)
As for music, I Love Hard-rock/rock & alternative, but I'm open minded about most music unless it's country & rap..
My favorites include: AFI, Paramore, Muse, Five Finger Death Punch, Porcelain Black, Three Days Grace & the like.
I wish to move to London, England once I'm older... I can totally picture myself with a British boy & an accent ;)
I hope you enjoy my Blog guys, Thanks for reading!!
Hey Rola, first time reading this, haha. Loving the leadership here (: I think I'm sort of in-between both followers and leaders.