4 Smokin' Kisses
So out of the 3 Soul screamers I've read so far ( & the novella) this one is probebly my least favorite.
I just hate Nash. I really do. T E A M T O D over here .
Nash is just annoying- not really a jerk (until you finish reading My soul to keep , THEN you realize he's a jerk), but just annoying. I never trusted the kid, & this proves that true.
So in my soul to keep , Demon breath is loose in the mortal world & kids are getting high off of it. Mostly Emma's boyfriend & Sophies boyfriend- just Kaylee's luck.
There isnt much else i can say without giving anything away, BUT I can tell you that Kaylee faces some major betrayal from Nash , which leaves them in the biggest fight ever. but props to Kaylee for being a woman and forgiving him as soon as he said sorry.
Here we also get to see what happens to Addy for her Eternal punishment. its really much worse than i has expected- one day she got skinned alive by Avari, which left her teeth showing & the next she was burned, her skin bloody and sagging. BUT avari isnt without mercy... he leaves half of her normal, so she can admire how beatiful she was & how ugly the second half of her is. Its really sad & i felt so bad for her. she's so helpful to Kaylee & Tod, yet still suffers *sniff sniff* :( may she RIP.
“But more than any of that, I was thankful for the possibility he'd [Tod] shown me: that a man really could love a woman enough that he'd do anything to protect her. That's how much Tod loved Addy."
Thats so cute :( I just love Tod so much. He sacrifices so much for Addy, it makes us females which we could have a man like that. Seriously guys im telling you, Nash got nothing on Tod.
Well i cant wait to read my soul to keep, im positive its going to turn out to be way better than this one.
or so i've heard....
Happy reading !